You can generate a new product code using our generator at the top of this site and activate your trial version right now. Install Software Update(s) if applicable: 35 minutes Get Activation Code from the Activation Center: 15 minutes Install Map Update: 30 minutes SECTION 1: SOFTWARE UPDATE Doesn’t apply to all systems. Sygic Navigation Video Sygic Free Product Codes Uconnect Navigation Activation Code GeneratorList of Free Sygic product keys generated using this generator. (Short on time After successful completion of each section you can stop and pick up with the next section a little later). Using our online code generator you can use Sygic today and for free. Maps are in OP and you can download them free of charge. These days Sygic is giving navigation solutions to over 125 million users around the planet. Tnx for warning MHH members, all of you who need Uconnect 8.4 VP4, VP3 Europe, North America maps + activation codes for map update, contact me by PM or skype name from my signature.

Sygic leads positions of successful high-tech companies, and it's navigation is one of the top softwares on the Apple App Store and Google Play with over 150,000 new downloads every moment.